Love to sing? The Inter-Mennonite Children’s Choir offers a chance for children from any denomination from Grades 1 and up to have an excellent music education experience while singing with their friends. Learn music from varying eras, theory, proper voice techniques, and grow in self-confidence and performance skills. The IMCC has been training young singers for over 50 years.
Training Choir
Grade: 1-3 Fee: $200.00
- A cheque in the amount of $200.00 is to be submitted at the time of registration
- No vocal placement interview is required
- The Training Choir is limited to 25 children. Registrants beyond this will be placed on a waiting list
Concert Choir/Small Ensemble
Ages: 9 and up Fee: $300.00
- A cheque in the amount of $300.00 is to be submitted at the time of registration.
- A vocal placement interview is required for all Small Ensemble members and any singers new to the Concert Choir. Please contact conductor@imcchoir.org.
- Each applicant will be required to sing a prepared song of his/her choice as well as be given simple vocal and musical skill assessments (i.e. echo-singing). Singers will be informed at the end of their interview about their acceptance into the choir – some conditional acceptances may be offered.
Group Times
Training Choir 6:00-7:00
Concert Choir 6:30-8:00
Small Ensemble 7:15-8:30
Step #1: Go to on-line registration form: https://forms.gle/3PrYsFv8pH3eG9oHA
Step #2: Fill in the online form and click ‘submit’
Step #3: Submit Registration (fees are due with the registration)
E-transfers: email: administration@imcchoir.org (please include your child’s name in the subject line for tracking purposes)
By cheque: Send cheque with your child’s first and last name in the memo area to:
The Inter-Mennonite Children’s Choir
c/o 226 Tatlock Crt. Waterloo, ON N2L 5Y6
*N.B. Your child’s spot in the choir is not guaranteed until the registration money is received.
In the event of withdrawal, a $50 administration fee is non-refundable. After September 30th, the total registration fee is non-refundable.
Performance Uniforms
Each family is responsible for performance attire for their singers. Often these items can be purchased at second hand/thrift stores.
- long-sleeved white blouse or white shirt
- long-sleeved solid coloured blouse or dress shirt
- black skirt (below the knees) or black dress pants
- black dress shoes with black tights/socks
Music is purchased by the choir for current and future use. A music folder and a choir bag is supplied to each child with the expectation that it be returned complete, and in good condition, at the end of each season.
Expectations of Singers
Singers are expected to attend all rehearsals and do at-home preparation for each rehearsal using the IMCC Google classroom or audio sent via email. Weekly choir notes with rehearsal notes are sent to all singers, and singers/parents are expected to read the notes carefully for pertinent information. All music and words must be memorized for all performances.
Expectations of Parents
Parents are required to attend two mandatory choir meetings, typically in late September and late January. Meetings are held during the weekly rehearsals. Parents will also be assigned supervision duty during rehearsals for the choir year. This usually amounts to between 3 to 5 rehearsals from September to May.
To keep fees reasonable, unpaid parent volunteers, under the direction of the volunteer Parent Executive Committee, handle the day-to-day running of the choir. During the year, parents are requested to help with various choir functions.
All parents are expected to find a way in which they can volunteer beyond the assigned supervision duties. During the year, the choir will need assistance with administration, concert receptions, music library, registration, concert ticket sales, concert set-up, concert clean-up, publicity, etc. Parents are asked to volunteer in the areas where they feel they can help the most.